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Reporting forms and their detailed information are listed below.  Forms used by the Federal Reserve and other federal banking agencies are preceded by the letters FFIEC (for Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council). Forms used exclusively by the Federal Reserve are preceded by the letters FR.

Report Name

Due Dates

Contact Info


Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks

30 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Report of Assets and Liabilities of Non-U.S. Branches that are Managed or Controlled by a U.S. Branch or Agency of a Foreign (Non-U.S.) Bank

30 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Country Exposure Report for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks

45 days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

FFIEC 030/030S
Foreign Branch Report of Condition (FFIEC 030) and Abbreviated Foreign Branch Report of Condition (FFIEC 030S)

45 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic and Foreign Offices

30 calendar days after the as of date

Corey Kazak

Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic Offices Only

30 calendar days after the as of date

Corey Kazak

Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic Offices Only and Total Assets Less than $5 Billion

30 calendar days after the as of date

Corey Kazak

Risk Based Capital Reporting for Institutions Subject to Advance Capital Framework

60 calendar days after the as of date

Chad Hurst

Market Risk Regulatory Report for Institutions Subject to the Market Risk Capital Rule

Same as CALL Report or FR Y-9C

Chad Hurst

FR 2018
Bank Lending Practices Survey


Christy Albus

FR 2028 b/s
Survey Terms of Bank Lending to Farmers/Prime Rate Supplement

10 calendar days following the end of the reporting period

Chris Burroughs

FR 2028D
Small Business Lending Survey

14 days after the first business day in February, May, August and November

Chris Burroughs

FR 2248
Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities

15th day of the following month

Chris Burroughs

FR 2314/2314S
Financial Statements of Foreign Subsidiaries of U.S. Banking Organizations

60 calendar days following the as of date

Travis Taylor

FR 2320
Quarterly Savings and Loan Holding Company Report

45 calendar days following the as of date

Melissa Rhoades-Latham

FR 2502Q
Foreign Branch Assets and Liabilities

25th calendar day following quarter end

Jacob Crouse

FR 2644
Weekly Report of Selected Assets

Tuesday following the as of date

Jacob Crouse

FR 2835
Quarterly Report of Interest Rates of Selected Direct Consumer Installment Loans

1st Friday following the as of date

Christy Albus

FR 2835A
Quarterly Report of Credit Card Interest Rates

2nd Monday following the as of date

Christy Albus

FR 2886B
Report of Condition and Income for Edge and Agreement Corporations

30 calendar days after the as of date

Travis Taylor

FR 2900 (SL)
Report Of Deposits and Vault Cash-Savings and Loan

3 days after as of date

Travis Taylor

FR 2900 (CU)
Report Of Deposits and Vault Cash-Credit Unions

3 days after as of date

Travis Taylor

FR 2900
Report Of Deposits and Vault Cash-Commercial Banks

3 days after as of date

Travis Taylor

FR 2910A
Annual Report of Deposits and Reservable Liabilities

7 days after as of date

Travis Taylor


FR 2915
Report of Foreign (Non-U.S.) Currency Deposits

3 days after as of date

Travis Taylor

FR 2930
Allocation of Low Reserve Tranche and Reservable Liabilities Exemption

No later than two weeks after the as-of date

Travis Taylor


FR Y-6
Annual Report of Holding Companies

Must be received no later than 90 calendar days after the top-tier bank holding company's fiscal year

Madeleine Damon

Additional Info

Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries Held by Foreign Banking Organizations

60 calendar days after the as of date

Travis Taylor

The Capital and Asset Report for Foreign Banking Organization

90 calendar days after the as of date

Travis Taylor

FR Y-8
Report of Insured Depository Institution's Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates

30 calendar days after the as of date

Mark Wegner

Additional Info

Consolidated Financial Statement for Holding Companies (with total consolidated assets greater than $3 billion)

40 calendar days after the as of date (March/June/September). 45 calendar days after as of date (December).

Melissa Rhoades-Latham

Financial Statement for Employee Stock Ownership Plan Holding Companies

July 31 following the December 31 as of date

Melissa Rhoades-Latham

Parent Only Financial Statements for Large Holding Companies (with total consolidated assets greater than $3 billion)

45 calendar days after the as of date

Melissa Rhoades-Latham

Parent Only Financial Statements for Small Holding Companies

45 calendar days after the as of date

Melissa Rhoades-Latham

Additional Info

FR Y-10
Report of Changes in Organizational Structure

Within 30 calendar days after a reportable event

Rust Bartholomew

FR Y-11/FR Y-11S
Financial Statement of Nonbank Subsidiaries of BHCs (Quarterly)

60 calendar days after as of date

Travis Taylor

FR Y-12
Consolidated Holding Company Report on Equity Investments in Non Financial Companies

45 calendar days after the as of date

Faye Mickens

FR Y-12A
Annual Report of Merchant Banking Investments Held for an Extended Period

by February 15 of the following calendar year

Faye Mickens

FR Y-14A
Capital Assessments and Stress Testing Semiannual Reports

Based on CCAR requirements, see current instructions

Faye Mickens

FR Y-14Q
Capital Assessments and Stress Testing Quarterly Reports

Based on CCAR requirements, see current instructions

Faye Mickens

FR Y-15
Banking Organization Systemic Risk Report

60 days after the as of date

Katie Irvine

FR Y-20
Financial Statements for BHC Subsidiary Engaged in Ineligible Securities Underwriting and Dealing

45 calendar days after the as of date

Kristin Barnes

Weekly Consolidated Foreign Currency Report of Major Market Participants

2 business days after the as of date

Christy Albus

Monthly Consolidated Foreign Currency Report of Major Market Participants

10 business days after the as of date

Christy Albus

Quarterly Consolidated Foreign Currency Report

45 calendar days after the as of date

Christy Albus

TIC BC Report of U.S. Dollar Claims of Depository Institutions, Holding Companies/Financial Holding Companies, Brokers, and Dealers on Foreigners

15 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Report of U.S. Dollar Liabilities of Depository Institutions, Holding Companies/Financial Holding Companies, Brokers, and Dealers to Foreigners

15 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Report of Customers' U.S. Dollar Liabilities to Foreigners

15 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Report of Customers' Foreign Currency Liabilities to Foreigners

20 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Report of Foreign Currency Liabilities and Claims of Depository Institutions, Holding Companies/Financial Holding Companies, Brokers and Dealers, and of their Domestic Customers vis-a-vis Foreigners

20 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Report of Maturities of Selected Liabilities of Depository Institutions, Holding Companies/Financial Holding Companies, Brokers, and Dealers to Foreigners

20 calendar days after the as of date

Jacob Crouse

Mailing Address

The reports that are not submitted via Reporting Central should be mailed to the following address:

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
P.O. Box 27622
Richmond, VA 23261

Overnight Deliveries

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Statistics Dept. 18th Floor
2050 Magnolia Street
Richmond, VA 23233